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The Rapid Growth of Electric Infrastructure Impacts on Utility Processes and Systems of Record

Decorative image for session The Rapid Growth of Electric Infrastructure Impacts on Utility Processes and Systems of Record

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12:15 PM, martes 16 may 2023 EDT (30 minutos)
  Virtual session
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Utilities across North America are investing in a vast array of Distribution System improvements and system expansion efforts.  As these investments progress, the current / manual 'as-built' data collection procedures are unable to address the increased reporting and documentation burden on the back office staff.

To address these ever growing documentation demands, Utilities will need to revolutionize their field data capture process as well as their back office system updating processes.

In this presentation, we will discuss the impacts of the current manual as-built data colection process on Utility Systems of Record and explore the high fidelity data needs of advanced Utility Analysis Systems such as ADMS,OMS and Supply Chain and Asset Tracability for Electric (SCATE) applications and how to impement new tools to overcome these issues.

Who's Attending

Joe Arcuri
Director of Sales
Eugene Liu
geomatics technologist
Rheannon Brooks
GIS Coordinator
City of Prince Rupert

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