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Measuring Pandora: can modern geospatial tools and techniques keep up with our changing planet?

Decorative image for session Measuring Pandora: can modern geospatial tools and techniques keep up with our changing planet?

Mon statut pour la session

10:30 AM, Mardi 7 Nov 2023 MST (25 minutes)
Big Four Roadhouse - Career Theatre
Geomatics for Climate Resiliency
Is change the new normal? Every year seems to be the next warmest year. Those of us looking back at our planet from space are seeing these changes across our planet in near real-time through the eyes of satellites. But behind those pixels are real human stories of catastrophe and suffering. So, with all our constellations of satellites, massive computing power and new generative AI algorithms, can we do anything more than simply report what happened? What does the future hold for geospatial technology, and can our technology catch up with the rate of our changing planet? 

Will Cadell


Mon statut pour la session


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