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Positioning Lidar and the Canadian Geospatial Industry for the Future

Decorative image for session Positioning Lidar and the Canadian Geospatial Industry for the Future

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1:00 PM, Mardi 25 Avr 2023 EDT (30 minutes)
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The Canadian Geodetic Survey provides the Canadian Spatial Reference System Precise Point Positioning service (CSRS-PPP) to support clients requiring accurate GNSS information.  The service is used internationally and over 1.2 million GNSS files are now process annually. 

The CSRS-PPP service has a kinematic mode that is known to support Lidar data collection.  Some recent statistics on kinematic services will be presented and expo attendees are invited to provide feedback on the service. 

Looking forward the positioning landscape is changing very rapidly.  In particular we see free public-good real-time broadcast PPP services coming soon in many parts of the world.  We will explore some implications of the Galileo High Accuracy Service which is to be fully launched in the EU in only a few months. 

Calvin Klatt PhD


Personnes inscrites

Camille Morin
Professionnal projet agent
Natural Ressources Canada
Abdelsatat Elmezayen
Geodetic engineer
Chris Charette
Business Development Manager
Airborne Imaging Inc. / Barr Geospatial Solutions
David Bélanger
Project Manager
Natural Resources Canada
Darryl Campbell
Geomatics Plan Technician
Thomas Krahn
Mapping & Geomatics Data Analyst
Provincial Mapping Unit
Steffen Shaigec
Mr. Dennis Fraser
Mapping and Geomatics Data Analyst
Provincial Mapping

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