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Mardi 22 Mars, 2022

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:45 AM
9:45 AM
Opening Remarks
15 minutes, 9:45 AM EDT - 10:00 AM EDT

Geoff Zeiss, Between the Poles (Conférencier.ère)

Jonathan Murphy, GoGeomatics Canada (Conférencier.ère)

10:00 AM
10:00 AM

Patrice Lemire, GEOSYSTEMS France (Conférencier.ère)

The 2012 DT-DICT (Building without destroying) reform in France aims to preven...
10:30 AM
10:30 AM
Commercial Break
15 minutes, 10:30 AM EDT - 10:45 AM EDT
10:45 AM
10:45 AM

Yuval Barnea, Rod Radar (Conférencier.ère)

Albeit industry efforts, over 1 million underground utilities are annually hit around the world, with estimated damag...
11:15 AM
11:15 AM
Commercial Break
15 minutes, 11:15 AM EDT - 11:30 AM EDT
11:30 AM
11:30 AM

Otto Ballintijn, Reduct NV (Conférencier.ère)

Gyroscopic mapping of underground ducts and pipes has been around for a few decades now, and it continues to gain traction amongst the worlds' u...
12:00 PM
12:00 PM
Commercial Break
15 minutes, 12:00 PM EDT - 12:15 PM EDT
12:15 PM
12:15 PM
New Standards for Utility Infrastructure Data
30 minutes, 12:15 PM EDT - 12:45 PM EDT

Philip Meis, Utility Mapping Services (Conférencier.ère)

Arising 3-D modeling, visualization, and design software (e.g., BIM, VDC) grea...
12:45 PM
12:45 PM
Commercial Break
15 minutes, 12:45 PM EDT - 1:00 PM EDT
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Creating the 3D Utility Digital Twin
30 minutes, 1:00 PM EDT - 1:30 PM EDT

Joseph Hlady, Lux Modus. (Conférencier.ère)

As the world continues to grow and urbanize, new urban infrastructure is being constructed at an unprecedented rate w...
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
Commercial Break
15 minutes, 1:30 PM EDT - 1:45 PM EDT
1:45 PM
1:45 PM
Dropping the Curve
30 minutes, 1:45 PM EDT - 2:15 PM EDT

Jonathan Wagner, Scribble Maps (Conférencier.ère)

Digitizing and project management for infrastructure can be a complicated walled process. Leveraging Scribble Maps ca...
2:15 PM
2:15 PM
Commercial Break
15 minutes, 2:15 PM EDT - 2:30 PM EDT
2:30 PM
2:30 PM
The "Z" factor - Mapping the Above & Underground for all!
30 minutes, 2:30 PM EDT - 3:00 PM EDT

Bill McIntyre, Prostar Geocorp Inc. (Conférencier.ère)

This presentation will be focusing on the advancement of "Cloud and Mobile" technologies that are currenlty being use...
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
Commercial Break
15 minutes, 3:00 PM EDT - 3:15 PM EDT
3:15 PM
3:15 PM

Danny Petrecca (Conférencier.ère)

Robert Schultz, Locusview (Conférencier.ère)

Utilities and their Contractor Organizations have traditionally been responsible for the safe and effective construction of new underground faci...
3:45 PM
3:45 PM
Commercial Break
15 minutes, 3:45 PM EDT - 4:00 PM EDT
4:00 PM
4:00 PM
Panel: Developing a subsurface digital twin for Canada
45 minutes, 4:00 PM EDT - 4:45 PM EDT

Steve Slusarenko, Subsurface Utility Map Data Exchange (SUMDEx) (Modérateur.rice)

Lawrence Arcand, 4 Sight Utility Engineeers (Panéliste)

Wilson Philips (Panéliste)

Gord Reynolds, Infrastructure Ontario (Panéliste)

Abstract:The total cost of underground infrastructure damage in Canada during excavation work is estimated to be over $1...
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