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Jeudi 24 Mars, 2022

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
10:00 AM EDT - 11:00 AM EDT | 1 heure

GIS platforms are typically populated with XYZ coordinates with a point spacing of 1 meter or more. in fact, most traditional land surveying techniques, like GPS, often have a point spacing of 3 meters or more, and that is understandable given the procedure to obtain these points. But have you ever wondered what amount of detail is lost when increasing the point frequency? Well, in this seminar, Otto Ballintijn will demonstrate the impact point frequency has on pipe detail usin...

Otto Ballintijn

1:30 PM EDT - 3:30 PM EDT | 2 heures

Scribble Maps is an easy-to-use online GIS and web mapping visualization solution. The software has a robust toolset along with vast operations that can help you annotate maps, plot territories, filter and analyze data, optimize routes, add images, and more.Our powerful mapping software can easily be integrated with many different file formats including GeoJson, SHP, KML, CSV, GPX, DXF, and PDF.  Founded in 2009, Scribble Maps has been developed from direct user f...

Mike Carter

2:00 PM EDT - 2:30 PM EDT | 30 minutes

Reveal is building the world's most advanced and accurate digital twin technology for subsurface infrastructure. We're driving a safer, more efficient and sustainable world by revealing the truth of the underground.   Join us for a 30min presentation where we will be showcasing our technology through our flagship project in Wellington, New Zealand.

Sam Clive

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