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Plant DNA (meta)barcoding II

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3:00 PM, Tuesday 3 Sep 2024 (1 hour)
Estação das Docas - Theater 2
Standard plant barcodes have enabled powerful insights into patterns of species diversity and ecological processes, and have been widely applied to address practical challenges such as authentication of consumer products, the detection of invasive species, and the identification of protected species in trade. In addition to these standard barcoding approaches (e.g. rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA, trnL, ITS), a substantial body of work is underway to explore supplementary methods of plant barcoding. This includes genome skimming to recover complete plastid genomes, and exploration of the potential to incorporate nuclear loci into plant barcoding approaches. This symposium is designed to bring together the state of the art for plant barcoding – showcasing impactful science using standard barcodes, and exploring where wider genomic coverage is appropriate. The symposium will finish with a discussion session focusing on the future of plant DNA barcoding. 






DNA barcoding as a tool for weed soil seedbank assessment: challenges and potential solutions.

Presenter: Zineb Bennani
Affiliation: Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, University of Turin
Format: Full Talk

Confirmation of the Neotropical origin of the pantropical tree genus Parkia (Leguminosae) and evidence of additional taxa in Africa: Insights from dated plastid and ribosomal DNA phylogenies.

Presenter: Oscar Doré Ahossou
Affiliation: Laboratory of Applied Ecology (Benin), Laboratory of Evolutionary Biology and Ecology (Belgium)
Format: Full Talk

Turning to a new era of DNA barcoding in authenticating medicinal plants with the aids of complete chloroplast genomes – a case study of Patrinia species.

Presenter: James Kwan-Ho Wong
Affiliation: Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Format: Lightning Talk

Assessing gaps of plant DNA barcodes across tropical lowland biomes of South America.

Presenter: Marcella Baroni de Resende Costa
Affiliation: Federal University of Minas Gerais
Format: Full Talk



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