DNA barcoding: unraveling biotic interactions in community ecology II
My Session Status
DNA metabarcoding reveals complementary biocontrol potential of diverse bird versus bat communities in multifunctional landscapes.
Presenter: Pedro Beja
Format: Full Talk
Using DNA to understand trophic interactions during rewilding.
Presenter: Linda Neaves
Affiliation: Australian National University
Format: Full Talk
Contrasting shallow and mesophotic diets of Sebastes oculatus in central Chile.
Presenter: Ricardo Beldade
Affiliation: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile / Núcleo Milenio for Temperate Mesophotic Reefs
Format: Full Talk
Bridging past and present: from dietary metabarcoding of large herbivores towards broad scale biodiversity analyses.
Presenter: Galina Gusarova
Affiliation: The Arctic University Museum of Norway, UMAK, UiT
Format: Full Talk
Cavity-nesting bee and wasp distributions across Canada and their trophic interactions.
Presenter: Dirk Steinke
Affiliation: Centre for Biodiversity Genomics, University of Guelph
Format: Full Talk
Diet and habitat use of a mammalian herbivore guild using eDNA.
Presenter: Samantha Shippley
Affiliation: Australian National University
Format: Lightning Talk
Analyses of altitudinal variations and community composition of eukaryotes and prokaryotes in bromeliad water tanks and adjacent soil in a neotropical forest using the metabarcoding approach.
Presenter: Laura Utz
Affiliation: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul -PUCRS
Format: Lightning Talk
Biodiversity monitoring in hyper-diverse areas: the Peruvian Andes-Amazon gradient.
Presenter: Marie-Eugénie Maggia
Affiliation: Andes Amazon Fund
Format: Lightning Talk