Exploring metazoan biodiversity in marine systems using eDNA/metabarcoding approaches II
My Session Status
From DNA barcoding to eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding: understanding the status and challenges of molecular tools in marine conservation.
Presenter: Ingrid Vasconcellos Bun
Affiliation: Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute
Format: Full Talk
Building a local DNA barcode reference library to unravel the hidden biodiversity of the Red Sea: harnessing molecular-based assessments in biomonitoring efforts.
Presenter: Susana Carvalho
Affiliation: KAUST
Format: Full Talk
Maine-eDNA: large-scale environmental sampling, metadata collection and data management in one of the world’s fastest-warming ocean regions.
Presenter: Karen James
Affiliation: University of Maine
Format: Full Talk
The ecology of Environmental DNA sizes and how it relates to metabarcoding and method standardization.
Presenter: Pedro Brandão Dias F Pinto
Affiliation: University of Washington / Rice University
Format: Full Talk
Assessing the accuracy and efficiency of long-read sequencing technologies to build a local DNA barcode reference library to unravel the cryptic biodiversity of the Red Sea
Presenter: Ricardo N Alves
Affiliation: Bioscience Core Lab, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Format: Lightning Talk