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Exploring metazoan biodiversity in marine systems using eDNA/metabarcoding approaches II

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3:00 PM, Wednesday 4 Sep 2024 (1 hour)
Estação das Docas - Theater 2
Environmental DNA (eDNA) and metabarcoding approaches have drastically changed the way we currently explore Earth’s biodiversity. Currently, eDNA/metabarcoding approaches are widely used for characterizing marine biodiversity across all types of habitats (e.g., benthic, pelagic, coastal, deep sea, etc.). Particularly, for smaller metazoans (i.e., < 1 mm long), where taxonomy is often challenging and time consuming, eDNA/metabarcoding has proven to be useful and an alternative in future biodiversity surveys. Still, there are concerns associated with these methods, and the standardization of eDNA/metabarcoding for marine biodiversity studies, although previously discussed, has been difficult. For this session, we would like to invite colleagues working on marine systems to discuss eDNA/metabarcoding approaches towards metazoan biodiversity. Diverse aspects such as gene marker(s), minimal standards, wet and dry lab protocols, analytical methods, databases, sequencing technologies among others will be part of our discussion. Thus, we invite you to share your findings, challenges, thoughts, and aspirations on how the field of eDNA/metabarcoding should move forward.



From DNA barcoding to eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding: understanding the status and challenges of molecular tools in marine conservation.

Presenter: Ingrid Vasconcellos Bun
Affiliation: Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute
Format: Full Talk

Building a local DNA barcode reference library to unravel the hidden biodiversity of the Red Sea: harnessing molecular-based assessments in biomonitoring efforts.

Presenter: Susana Carvalho
Affiliation: KAUST
Format: Full Talk

Maine-eDNA: large-scale environmental sampling, metadata collection and data management in one of the world’s fastest-warming ocean regions.

Presenter: Karen James
Affiliation: University of Maine
Format: Full Talk

The ecology of Environmental DNA sizes and how it relates to metabarcoding and method standardization.

Presenter: Pedro Brandão Dias F Pinto
Affiliation: University of Washington / Rice University
Format: Full Talk

Assessing the accuracy and efficiency of long-read sequencing technologies to build a local DNA barcode reference library to unravel the cryptic biodiversity of the Red Sea

Presenter: Ricardo N Alves
Affiliation: Bioscience Core Lab, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Format: Lightning Talk



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