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DNA barcoding shortcomings – addressing the challenge and discussing the solutions

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11:30 AM, Thursday 5 Sep 2024 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Estação das Docas - Theater 1
DNA barcoding has revolutionized biodiversity research and monitoring. In particular, it is speeding up the process of species identification and discovery. In the majority of cases, DNA barcoding works well for species delineation and thus it is a commonly used approach to identify known species based on standard reference gene sequences and to detect potentially new species through deviations from known sequences. This session, however, focuses on instances where DNA barcoding fails, i.e. where analysis of standard reference genes is not successful in delimiting the actual species units. Three possible errors can occur: underestimation (e.g. young species), overestimation (e.g. large intraspecific variation) and erroneous assignment (e.g. introgression, hybridization). Recognizing the rising prevalence of this issue in scientific literature, this session aims to raise awareness of the scientific community and foster a discussion on universal solutions. Proposed strategies involve cross-validating the species delineation with additional genetic markers as well as providing flags for problematic taxa in the metadata of used reference databases. Here, we invite contributions showcasing examples across the tree of life and offering innovative approaches to improve the usability of DNA barcoding. By creating a forum for collaborative discussion, we aim to outline effective actions to address this challenge.



Addressing challenges in species delimitation: genomic solutions for cases of barcode sharing.

Presenter: Maria Khan
Affiliation: University of Oulu
Format: Full Talk

When DNA barcodes only seem to fail: a genomic-based taxonomy for threatened allopatric Agriades butterflies.

Presenter: Nok Ting Lam
Affiliation: University of Oulu
Format: Full Talk

NUMTs, heteroplasmy, or both? Widespread occurrence of divergent and seemingly functional intraindividual COI variants in sawflies (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae)

Presenter: Marko Prous
Affiliation: University of Tartu
Format: Full Talk

COI is not always right: integrative taxonomy reveals striking overestimation of species diversity in a Mediterranean freshwater amphipod.

Presenter: Kamil Hupalo
Affiliation: University of Duisburg-Essen
Format: Full Talk

When DNA barcoding fails: analysis of whole-genome addressed the challenge in fungal species.

Presenter: Wen-jie Xu
Affiliation: Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College
Format: Full Talk

Closing the Gap: next generation sequencing based multi-locus mini-barcoding protocol for mammal species identification.

Presenter: Tanmay Dharmadhikari
Affiliation: University of Antwerp - The Evolutionary Ecology Group (EVECO)
Format: Lightning Talk



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