Wednesday 6 April, 2022
Session in English interpreted into Italian / Sessione in inglese con la traduzione in italiano
This session is devoted to a core aim of the GDPR: the rights of data subjects which were significantly strengthened. The speakers will present their views on different aspects of the rights, each from his own point of view. The aim of this session is to get a clearer picture: where do we stand now?
Technology moves fast, but is privacy legislation up to speed?Since the enactment of GDPR, many companies have adopted a reactive mode, and responded to the pressure of regulations based on the fear of fines rather than embracing the change. Due to the relatively slow intervention of regulators, and the increasing complexity of technologies, there are ...
Session in English interpreted into Italian / Sessione in inglese con la traduzione in italiano
Session in English interpreted into Italian / Sessione in inglese con la traduzione in italianoThe European Commission’s AI Act will complement the existing EU regulatory framework horizontally and add an additional layer of regulation for the governance of data infrastructures, which are also addressed by GDPR and other EU legislation. This panel will discuss the proposed AI Regulation, and in pa...
Session in English interpreted into Italian / Sessione in inglese con la traduzione in italiano
Session in English interpreted into Italian / Sessione in inglese con la traduzione in italiano
Session in English interpreted into Italian / Sessione in inglese con la traduzione in italiano
This session will be the opportunity to deepen the main aspects of Data Protection by Design in Practice.
The session is a part of a Workshop on eHealth, Assisted Living and Medical Data Protection, Compliance, Interoperability and Reusability
Session in English interpreted into Italian / Sessione in inglese con la traduzione in italiano
Session in English interpreted into Italian / Sessione in inglese con la traduzione in italiano