Metaverse, XR and Data Spaces Compliance
My Session Status
2:00 PM, Wednesday 12 Jun 2024
(1 hour)
Ca' Dolfin
- Aula Magna
Innovative Technologies
In this dynamic session, the speakers will explore virtual environments that are increasingly intertwined with our physical world, with a specific focus on metaverse, extended reality, and data spaces. They will also examine the latest trends, advancements, and regulatory challenges that face metaverse technologies, XR applications, and data space frameworks. In addition, it aims to identify some good practices, as well as foreseeable regulatory trends.
Key questions and objectives
- How can data privacy be ensured in XR experiences within the metaverse, considering the interconnected nature of virtual and physical environments?
- What are the regulatory frameworks and standards that are emerging to govern data in XR and metaverse applications?
- What are the ethical concerns, and how can they be addressed?
- What are the good practices and recommendations to ensure compliance in metaverse and XR?