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Privacy, Free Competition and Anti-trust Compliance

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11:40 AM, Wednesday 12 Jun 2024 (40 minutes)
Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Aula Mario Baratto
Data Protection in Practice
Socio-economic perspective


Concerns over data privacy and market concentration have intensified over time, which makes regulatory compliance more extensive to encompass competition policy and privacy protection. This session will explore key EU legal principles related to PET, examining how practices such as user profiling, tracking, and targeted advertisement intersect with competition law. Attendees will gain insights into recent cases and regulatory guidance, as well as practical strategies for ensuring compliance with EU privacy regulations, free competition, and anti-trust rules.  

Key questions and objectives 

  • How do privacy law and competition laws interplay in the EU context? 
  • How do privacy regulations and antitrust laws connect in the digital marketplace, and what is the impact on competition? 
  • What are the key considerations for businesses in navigating compliance with both privacy regulations and antitrust laws? 
  • What is the practical takeaway for compliance? 

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