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Comparing Appropriate Safeguards Mechanisms: Certification, SCC, BCR, and CC

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3:00 PM, Wednesday 12 Jun 2024 (1 hour)
Break   04:00 PM to 04:30 PM (30 minutes)
Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Aula Mario Baratto
Data Protection in Practice
Accountability, trust and certification


The speakers on this panel will embark on a comprehensive exploration of the diverse mechanisms available to safeguard data, such as Certification, Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC), Binding Corporate Rules (BCR), and Codes of Conduct (CC). With the use of digital technologies and cross-border data flows, organizations and professionals face mounting pressure to adapt safeguards to protect the privacy and security of personal information. Each of these mechanisms offers distinct advantages and considerations, making it essential to understand their nuances and applicability in different contexts. It will also present new approaches, such as the “trust scale” specified by ECCP, to compare mechanisms.  

Key questions and objectives 

  • What are the key differences between: SCC, BCR, CC, and certification mechanisms to ensure data protection and regulatory compliance?  
  • How can the level of trust of a mechanism be measured? 
  • How can organizations select the most appropriate mechanism for their specific needs? 
  • How do recent developments impact the effectiveness of different safeguarding mechanisms in facilitating secure cross-border data flows?  

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