Marianne Krogbæk is an experienced design process consultant, experience designer and digital project manager. She has worked for The Culture and Citizens Service since 2010 with technology driven projects and design thinking processes. For IoT week she is connected to the co-creation phases of the arts residency “Sleep in the city” under STARTS and the IoT Crawler.
Sessions in which Marianne Krogbæk participates
Tuesday 18 June, 2019
Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Copenhagen
4:00 PM
4:00 PM -
5:30 PM |
1 hour 30 minutes
IoTCrawler is inviting you to define and discuss the Internet of Things search engine of the future. We invite you to join us at the IoT Week to explore how future search engines would look like based on several scenarios form smart energy, smart city, social IoT, Industry 4.0 and smart environment perspectives. The IoTCrawler session will challenge you to...