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Strategic Visions on Future IoT Evolution – Towards a New IoT Paradigm for Business and Society (IoT Week 2019 Opening Plenary Part III)

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10:00 AM, Tuesday 18 Jun 2019 (1 hour)
Musikhuset Aarhus - Store Sal
IoT Week Plenary & Keynote

Industries are crossing today a crucial transition in terms of technologies and sustainability is a key driver for them. The integration of new technologies, if done appropriately and fast enough can help industries become more competitive; if not managed accordingly however IoT misuse can have adverse consequences on industries and their external environment.

Similarly, IoT applications can greatly contribute to address societal challenges while at the same time creating risks for data privacy and ethical issues.

Strategic Visions on Future IoT Evolution – Towards aNew IoT Paradigm for Business and Society.

  • Conducted by Sébastien Ziegler

What are the Challenges on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, 5G Technologies & Big Data for the EU and Global Ecosystem?

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