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Security and Privacy Compliance with GDPR in IoT for Smart Living Environments for Healthy Ageing

Decorative image for session Security and Privacy Compliance with GDPR in IoT for Smart Living Environments for Healthy Ageing

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2:15 PM, Wednesday 19 Jun 2019 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Musikhuset Aarhus - Bag Scenen
Smart Living & eHealthLarge Scale Pilots (LSP)IoT Security & Data Protection

GDPR is a hot topic nowadays in Europe. IoT for SLE is a very sensitive environment upon GDPR. There are many facets where the topic is approached in the domain and for this it’s important all them converge into a coherent and functional approach at the time of implementation of IoT for SLE in a defined place.

In this session we will analyze the specific requirements for data and privacy protection in an Iot for SLE ecosystem from the light of the GDPR compliance, and will address the practical approach for the implementation of ACTIVAGE ecosystems in the DSs and the guidelines for GDPR compliant SLEs elsewhere. The following topics will be debated:

  • Requirements for the implementation of data privacy and protection under GDPR regulation inf IoT for SLE

  • Guidelines for the implementation of data protection and privacy in Smart Living Environment

  • Analysis of GDPR context, constrains and enablers for the data re-use, data sharing and future data markets in the social care domain

  • The ACTIVAGE experience implementing practical solution for data security and privacy in the IoT for SLE ecosystem

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