Rolf Riemenschneider
Head of Sector, "Internet of Things" Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Rolf Riemenschneider is involved in the research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 where he manages research and innovation project and policies in the following areas: Advanced Computing, Cyber Physical Systems, Factories of the Future and Internet of Things. From 2009-2015, he managed the ICT activities of the Public-Private Partnership Factories of the Future (PPP FOF). Since 2015, he coordinate the Focus Area of Internet of Things as part of the cross-cutting activities in Horizon 2020 inside CONNECT and with DG MOVE, DG AGRI, DG RTD, and contributes to the future strategy of the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI).
Before joining the Commission in 2002 Dr Riemenschneider worked as an engineer for consulting and project management on behalf of the German government (Federal Ministry of Education and Science - BMBF) in the Microsystems programme.
Dr Rolf Riemenschneider received the Dipl.-Ing degree from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, in 1990 focusing on microwave technologies and optical communications.