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Dr. George Michalos

Project Manager
Labora-tory of Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS)
Participates in 1 Session

Dr. George Michalos is a Mechanical Engineer and holder of a PhD in Engineer-ing from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics at Uni-versity of Patras. He is currently employed as a project manager at the Laboratory of Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS) ( and has participated in several EU and national projects in the areas of: advanced industrial and collaborating robots, robotic perception and autonomy in decision making, human robot collaborative ap-plications, intuitive interfaces for safe hybrid production applications, and de-sign of flexible manufacturing systems.

He is the coordinator of the H2020 project “THOMAS - Mobile dual arm robotic workers with em-bedded cognition for hybrid and dynamically reconfigurable manufacturing systems” and in the re-cent past he has been actively involved in EU projects on human robot collaboration ROBO-PARTNER ( (project manager), X-act ( and SYMBIO-TIC ( as well as on autonomous and reconfigurable robotic systems AUTORE-CON (

Sessions in which Dr. George Michalos participates

Wednesday 7 June, 2017

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Paris