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Louis Coetzee

Chief Engineer and Research Group Leader
CSIR Meraka Institute (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research), South Africa
Participates in 2 items

Dr. Coetzee is a Chief Engineer and Research Group Leader for the Internet of Things in the CSIR Meraka Institute, South Africa. His focus is on the creation of smarter solutions using Internet of Things fundamentals. His RD&I activities have to lead to the creation of frameworks and solutions that integrate the physical and digital worlds in a connected Future Internet paradigm. He has published on the possibilities of smarter worlds using Internet of Things as enabler. His background in image processing, pattern recognition, and distributed processing contributes to the creation of smarter systems.

Dr. Coetzee has participated in two EU FP7 projects. “Testbeds for Reliable Smart City Machine to Machine Communication” (TRESCIMO) aimed at improving Future Internet Research Experimentation testbed capabilities in Europe and in South Africa, while “Pursuing ROadmaps and BEnchmarks for the Internet of Things” (PROBE-IT) addressed benchmarking of IoT solutions, provided guidelines to stakeholders for IoT roll-out and testing roadmaps.

Sessions in which Louis Coetzee participates