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4:15 PM, Tuesday 6 Jun 2017 (1 hour 45 minutes)
This session presents IoT R&D projects carried out (or under way) in the canton and the city of Geneva. Five projects, targeting several domains and involving both the public and private sectors, will be presented. They will be followed by a panel discussion that addresses the problem of federation of several IoT applications throughout the same city.

Presentation 1: From field to screen: an analytics approach in public transports. Speaker: Giovanna Centonze, TPG
Presentation 2: CityFeel: portable monitoring device for urban microclimate. Speaker: Peter Gallinelli,
Presentation 3: “IoT in modern Industrial Control Systems”. Speaker: Robert Gómez-Reino, CleverDist
Presentation 4: Title: “Noise pollution monitoring: a practical IoT case”. Speaker: Didier Hélal, Orbiwise
Presentation 5: Title: “Delivering energy savings with smart street lighting, a CityZen success”. Speaker: Marc-Elian Bégin, SixSq

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