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IoT Data Analytics Platform by Swisscom

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12:30 PM, Wednesday 7 Jun 2017 (1 hour)
The Swisscom IoT Data Analytics Platform is an open-source based platform that allows industrial IoT customers to aggregate data from multiple data sources, and then analyze and visualize it to generate business value. The platform provides business driven analytics tools that allow interactive, batch, real-time and predictive analytics. Data analysts can use the platform to perform effective self-service analytics and provide the data-driven results to decision makers. With the Swisscom IoT Data Analytics Platform industrial IoT enterprises can save cost, increase the effectiveness of their machinery, perform predictive maintenance and get the much-needed value out of their data.
In the workshop we will show the overall architecture of the solution, which allows for easy integration of different components due to its modularity. Based on a real data we will show how information is collected and data is monitored as well as analyzed.”

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