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Combining IoT and Intelligent Robotics, challenges and opportunities

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4:15 PM, Wednesday 7 Jun 2017 (1 hour 45 minutes)
The IoT and Robotics communities have produced highly complementary approaches that have so far been driven by different objectives, one focused on enabling pervasive sensing and interoperability, the other on producing intelligent behaviour and interaction. In order to investigate the opportunities and the challenges associated to integrated solutions, we will bring experts from the two communities, as well as representatives from industry, finance, policy, research and end-users, in a highly interactive workshop. 
All participants will have access, two weeks before the workshop, to a web description of the goals of the workshop, questions to the panels aimed at soliciting industrial requirements. All participants will collectively fill a form during the parallel coffee-table discussions, and they will be asked to structure their summaries around those questions
The workshop will be linked with the IoT-Robotics-AI workshop programmed at next year euRobotics Forum ( The ERF is the main meeting point for researchers, engineers, managers, and a growing number of entrepreneurs and business people all over Europe. The event at the IoT Week will be advertised at the ERF-2017. More than six hundreds delegates are expected at the ERF-2017, between 22-24 March 2017. 
The expected result from the proposed workshop is contributing to a core group with mixed IoT and Robotics background that will pursue this agenda.  The intended outcomes are to (i) provide a review of lessons learned, trends and issues from current and past EU projects in the integration of IoT and  Robotics, (ii) identify promising integration approaches, (iii) propose novel research directions, and (iv) ultimately set the stage for the generation of a common road-map on this theme, with particular emphasis on the Horizon2020.  Target actions will include the promotion of research-industry collaborations, provision of strategic input to the EC, organization of next meetings, etc.

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