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Mauricio A. Spirito

Project Coordinator
Participates in 3 items

Maurizio A. Spirito received the MSc degree in Electronics Engineering in 1996 and the PhD in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering in 1999, both from Politecnico di Torino (Italy). From October 1998 to October 2003 he was with the Nokia Research Center in Helsinki (Finland) as a Senior Research Engineer and Project Manager. He joined ISMB in November 2003, where he was first Head of the Radio Technologies for Multimedia Lab then Head of the Pervasive Technologies (PerT) Research Area. Since July 2013 he has been in charge of the Emerging Trends and Opportunity Function which aims to strengthen ISMB capability to benefit from various emerging research and innovation opportunities, proposing the most appropriate positioning strategies for ISMB, also in light of the European Research and Innovation priorities. Within this context, the Emerging Trends and Opportunities Function is also in charge of setting up and coordinating Research and Innovation projects that are considered strategic for ISMB.

Dr. Spirito has an extensive experience in developing and managing international multicultural research and development projects, especially in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and applications. Along the years, he has gained a very solid experience in the context of the European Commission Framework Programs (FP) for research and development.  He was Project Coordinator of two successfully completed FP7 STREP projects; namely, GreenCom on smart electricity grids ( and ALMANAC on IoT for Smart Cities ( He is currently Project Coordinator of two H2020 RIAs; namely, Storage4Grid on the integration of storage systems in smart electricity grids ( and MISTRAL on communications systems for next generation railways, funded by the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the H2020 framework (

Dr. Spirito participated and/or coordinated ISMB contributions in the following projects: CVIS and SAFESPOT (FP6 IP), NEWCOM (FP6 NoE), NEWCOM++ (FP7 NoE), ebbits and BUTLER (FP7 IP), SEEMPubS (FP7 STREP), BEMO-COFRA and IMPRESS (FP7 STREPs for EU-Brazil collaboration), SATISFACTORY (H2020 RIA). He participates and/or coordinates ISMB contributions in the following projects funded under the Horizon 2020 framework: IoF2020 and MONICA (IoT Large Scale Pilot IA), UNIFY-IoT and CREATE-IoT (IoT CSA), COMPOSITION, MONSOON and SHIP2FAIR (RIA in the industry domain), ASTRail and ETALON (Shift2Rail RIA), GOEASY (IA on convergence between GNSS and IoT).

Dr. Spirito has chaired the Activity Chain 3 (IoT Demonstration and pilots) of the EU-supported Internet of Things European Research Cluster (IERC). He represents ISMB in the EU-wide initiatives EFFRA (European Factories of the Future Research Association) and AIOTI (Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation).

Dr. Spirito (co-)authored nearly 100 publications (including book chapters, journal and conference papers) and 13 international patent applications.

Sessions in which Mauricio A. Spirito participates

Tuesday 5 June, 2018

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Madrid
4:45 PM
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM | 1 hour
Emerging IoT Research and Development
6:00 PM
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM | 1 hour
Emerging IoT Research and Development

Wednesday 6 June, 2018

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Madrid
2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | 1 hour
Emerging IoT Research and Development