Andrea Ferlini
is about to get his EIT Digital M.Sc. double degree in Computer Science and
Telecommunication Engineering. He spent the last two years between Trento
(Italy) and Paris (France), where he is actually based. Within this period, he
attended several technical workshops, like the IoT & Big Data Summer School
organised by KTH University (Stockholm, Sweden) and some business challenges
(Virginia Tech Knowledgeworks, Virginia Tech University, US), too.
Mr. Ferlini is
currently working as a Research and Development Engineer at Sorbonne University
(previously UPMC). There, he is involved in a couple of projects with ATOS
and the EU (EXCITING a project in the framework of Horizon 2020). Between
January 2016 and September 2016 (when he got his B.Sc. degree), he worked as a
Researcher and Software Engineer at ICT4g, a research unit of the bigger private
research centre in the North of Italy: Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK). Now
his research interests are focused on artificial intelligence, autonomous
and connected vehicles, data analysis and cybersecurity