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Mr Sergio Gusmeroli

Research Coordinator
Politecnico di Milano
Participates in 2 items

Sergio Gusmeroli (male) is Research Coordinator at Politecnico di Milano in Factories of the Future projects. He’s currently coordinating the I4MS BEinCPPS project and participating in the FASTEN EU-Brasil Research and Innovation action. Both of them are developing Open IoT Platforms to be tested in leading edge industrial facilities such as Whirlpool, John Deere, Tyssenkrupp and Embraer. In the domain of ICT for Manufacturing, Sergio is also Innovation Manager at Engineering Ingegneria Informatica and co-chairing the FIWARE for INDUSTRY committee at FIWARE Foundation and driving the team developing the FIWARE Reference Architecture for Industry 4.0. At the BDVA (Big Data Value Association) Sergio is co-chairing the subgroup about Smart Manufacturing Industry and is one of the chief editors of the discussion paper entitled Big Data challenges in Smart Manufacturing: A discussion paper on Big Data Challenges for BDVA and EFFRA Research and Innovation roadmaps alignment.

Sessions in which Mr Sergio Gusmeroli participates

Wednesday 6 June, 2018

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Madrid
11:15 AM
11:15 AM

Euskalduna Jauregia Conference Center - Sala A2


Oscar Lazaro, Innovalia (Participant)

Mr Sergio Gusmeroli, Politecnico di Milano (Participant)

John Soldatos, INTRASOFT International (Moderator)

Mario Dionisio, European Commission (Participant)

Samuel Moniz, INESC TEC (Participant)

Thursday 7 June, 2018

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Madrid
9:15 AM
9:15 AM

Euskalduna Jauregia Conference Center - Sala Barria I


Mr Sergio Gusmeroli, Politecnico di Milano (Participant)

John Soldatos, INTRASOFT International (Moderator)

Jon Kepa Gerrikagoitia, IK4-IDEKO (Participant)

Aitor Alzaga, IK4-TEKNIKER (Participant)

Eduardo Kaplan Barbosa, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) (Participant)

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