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Making the Data Revolution Happen: Computational Power and Efficiency - will it help overcoming barriers?

IoT and Big Data
2:00 PM, Monday 4 Jun 2018 (2 hours 15 minutes)
Coffee Break   04:15 PM to 04:45 PM (30 minutes)

"The digital revolution will fundamentally change economy and society, and it can undermine basic human values. Technology alone will not be sufficient to guide us to a digital society based on trust." Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing, leading ICT Future expert, ETH Zürich

"In data intensive science computation and data need to be seen as twins. Only new technologies and architectures will meet the future requirements of data analytics and simulation." Prof. Dr. Thomas Lippert, leading HPC expert, Research Centre Jülich

"Big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing numerous fields, and materials science is no exception. Aggregating and analysing the billions of data from computational materials science will enable us to categorise the endless space of materials and exploit hidden relationships for basic research and societal important applications." Prof. Dr. Matthias Scheffler, leading material scientist, Fritz-Haber Institute, Max Planck Society .

The IoT will produce data streams of unparalleled volume and value. In this workshop, key experts “drop the gloves” and tackle challenges heads-on: How can we establish trust in a data economy? How can we process large data volumes efficiently? How can we gain insights and learn from data? Join us for three sessions on 4 June starting at 11:15h to make the data revolution happen!

Billions of smart IoT devices will create continuous data streams which need to be managed, analysed and transformed into knowledge that can help humans to improve their way to organise societies, industry and their interaction with the environment. Experts tend to agree that in a few years machine learning algorithms will be deployed everywhere - from small devices to big clouds - to detect relevant patterns in these gigantic data streams and sets acting as a kind of new magnifying glass for humans who are not equipped for such tasks. Without doubts data has a high potential to improve our decisions, but reality seems to indicate that major changes are required to make these hopes reality. In this workshop, we will address this topic from three angles.

 Workshop Goal

The goal of the workshop is to address three of the major topics in the area of Big Data processing and analytics where new ways will be required to to make the data revolution many experts talking about happen and to be fit for the future challenges in particular posed by the data streams generated by the billions of smart IoT devices. There is no doubt that steps ahead will require social and technological roadblocks to be removed. Experienced and knowledgeable speakers will present some views on these topics and give directions. Sufficient time for discussions including Q/A from the audience will allow us to discuss these views and eventually add others.

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Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
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