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Iot in Manufacturing: Enabling Industry 4.0 - R&D Initiatives and Results

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11:15 AM, Wednesday 6 Jun 2018 (1 hour 45 minutes)
Networking Lunch   01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (1 hour)
IoT and Advanced Manufacturing

Session Purpose and Overview:

With several billions of internet connected devices all around the globe, IoT is already disrupting a wide range of sectors and applications in both industrial and consumer settings. However, all recent market research reports agree that the lion’s share of IoT’s business value in the year’s to come will stem from deployments in industry in sectors like manufacturing, supply chain management, energy, mining, intelligent buildings and public infrastructure projects in smart environments such as smart city projects. In particular, industrial IoT (IioT) use cases like predictive maintenance, flexible automation, zero defect manufacturing and supply chain management optimization are gradually finding their route to the enterprise and already generating ROI (Return-on-Investment) for industrial organizations. In the European Union, IIoT excellence is a key to ensuring European leadeship in the digital transformation of plant and supply chain operations as part of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). The 11th Working Group (WG11) of the Alliance for IoT Innovation (AIOTI) is consolidating information and best practices about the IioT technologies for manufacturing, including reevant results from IoT projects. This session aims at providing an overview of IoT solutions for manufacturing, including all relevant trends such as mainstream standards and architectures, the expanded use of edge computing, the potential of blockchain technologies and the importance of solid cybersecurity solutions. It will also present tangible IioT use cases in manufacturing that new production models and enable highly flexible and hyperefficient plants.

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