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End-user Engagement Tools and Methods for IoT Projects (U4IoT Project)

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11:15 AM, Wednesday 6 Jun 2018 (1 hour 45 minutes)
Networking Lunch   01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (1 hour)
Emerging IoT Research and Development

Introduction. This workshop will be convened as a part of User Engagement for Large Scale Pilots in the Internet of Things (U4IoT – a Horizon 2020 project. U4IoT aims to provide the Large-Scale Pilots (LSPs) within Internet of Things (IoT) Programme with end-user engagement support. The five domains that the LSPs will tackle are smart cities, smart agriculture, wearable technologies, smart home care and autonomous driving vehicles. In the U4IoT project, we have gathered and created a variety of online and offline methods and tools to support among others these five IoT-LSPs to engage end-users in their projects.

Aim. The aim of this workshop is to introduce these online and offline end-user engagement methods and tools, and to provide a general idea on how to apply them in an IoT project. Moreover, there will be room to experiment with the tools and to consult our experts to ask your project specific questions concerning end-user engagement.

Approach. After introducing the U4IoT project, the workshop sets off by exchanging end-user engagement experiences amongst participants. The methods and tools on the U4IoT website will then be explained. The last hour of the workshop will have a more open character with a focus on the questions of the participants. A variety of U4IoT end-user engagement methods and tools, e.g. End-User Engagement Toolkit, Crowdsourcing Tools, Co-Creative Workshop Methodology, Privacy Game and Sustainability Scenarios, are displayed and accompanied by the relevant expert in that field to provide an example on the use of the method or tool and to answer possible questions.

Target audience and outcome. The workshop is open to everyone interested in the field and its participants (including LSPs’ representatives and other IoT experts) will gain in-depth knowledge of end-user engagement tools and methods for IoT projects.

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