Antoinette Jordan
Sessions in which Antoinette Jordan attends
Tuesday 31 August, 2021
During this session, the existing Large-Scale Pilots from the Health and Care Cluster will provide an overview of how they are setting the scene for the deployment of scalable solutions. In this context, the aim will be to enable the development of sustainable solutions for innovative health and social care services enabled by transformational digital technologies and, likewise, how the involved institutions are considering the European Health Data ...
Wednesday 1 September, 2021
Personal data protection is a fundamental right. However, many companies routinely collect a growing number of personal data on EU residents and trade them as a commodity. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been adopted to better protect personal data and data subjects’ rights. The strong penalties of the GDPR now constitute a strong incentive and catalyst for making data processing comply with the regulation.Several solutions are merging from the research to support ...