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Building an ecosystem for IoT and Edge Computing towards a European Strategy Forum

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9:00 AM, Wednesday 1 Sep 2021 (1 hour 15 minutes)

The Next Generation Internet of Things (NGIoT) is an initiative to build a resilient European IoT Hub. It acts as an accelerator for the whole European IoT ecosystem towards transforming the current IoT community of researchers and innovators in Europe into an increasingly cohesive, dynamic, participatory and sustainable ecosystem. It assists stakeholders to engage and create value, as well as set up a self-sustaining European IoT community.

NGIoT supports the consolidation of Europe’s leading position in creating a secure, safe, trusted and “human-centric” IoT research & innovation, development and deployment environment.

In April, the European Commission, in collaboration with EU-IoT, organised the Next-Generation IoT and Edge Computing Strategy Forum.The event gatheredtop technology experts from across several digital and vertical domains, as well as corporate-strategy level representatives to exchange views on priorities, challenges and opportunities, and establish a commonly shared strategic European vision for the next-generation IoT and (far) edge computing.

This session explores achievements so far in building an ecosystem for IoT and Edge Computing, showcases funding opportunities and takes a look ahead towards a future European Strategy Forum.

European Commission, Research and Innovation Strategy (10 mins)

The EC’s R&I Strategy aims to close the gap between supply and demand, matching digital innovation and vertical legacy, as well as allowing smaller companies and start-ups to engage with large projects.

NGIoT – Directions for the Future (20 mins)

Martin Brynskov, Coordinator, NGIoT

Achievements so far by NGIoT, an overview

Presentation of IoT research, innovation and deployment priorities in the EU White Paper, and IoT and Edge Computing: Opportunities for Europe Report

EU-IoT – The European IoT Hub, Growing a sustainable and comprehensive ecosystem for the Next Generation Internet of Things (20 mins)

Monique Calisti, Coordinator, EU-IoT

Presentation of the Next Generation IoT and Edge Computing Strategy Forum

Presentation of EU-IoT and ICT-56 Projects and opportunities for SMEs and start-ups to engage through Open Calls of the projects.

Presentation of the report Towards a Vibrant EU IoT Ecosystem and next steps

Creation and development of OPEN DEI ecosystem: an ongoing journey (20 mins)


Alberto Dognini, OPEN DEI


Q&A (15 minutes)


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