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Trustworthiness for Industrial AI

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4:30 PM, Wednesday 1 Sep 2021 (1 hour)

Between smart machines, at the low end, and artificial systems with own legal or even ethical status, at the high end - that is where Artificial Intelligence is being placed in the public discourse.

There is much of uncertainty about chances and constraints, opportunities and limitation - but common sense of the large potential of industrial AI.

To get the most out of it, good balance of high expectations and subtle concerns is worthwhile. This comes down to the trustworthiness of industrial AI.

This workshop shall contribute to making the concept of Trustworthiness of Industrial Artificial Intelligence more tangible. We will debate approaches to and experiences with turning basic requirements into operational mode along the framework of industrial and trustworthy AI which has been recently published as consultation version (Speeding up Industrial AI and Trustworthiness - Position Paper | BDVA).

16:30 -- 16:40 Setting the Scene, Introduction of the Trustworthy AI Framework and Introduction of speakers (Sonja Zillner)

16:40 -- 16:50 Use Case: Why industrial AI applications require trustworthiness. (Michael van Hartskamp.)

16:50 – 17:00 Trustworthy AI: Components to provide trust on AI technology (Luis Usatorre)

17:00 – 17:10 New AI Legislation and the Importance of Sandboxing (Jan de Bruyne)

17:10 – 17:20 Importance of AI standardization for speeding up the adoption of industrial and trustworthy AI (Ray Walshe)

17:20 -17:30 Discussion with Q&A from the audience

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