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Sandra Healy

Founder & CEO
Participates in 1 Session

Sandra is CEO and founder of inclusio. Sandra's career spanned 20 years in the global telecoms industry and five years at Dublin City University where she established the DCU Centre of Excellence for Diversity and Inclusion. After four years in R&D, Sandra spun-out inclusio in 2020, bringing to the market a science based D&I performance platform that links D&I to business KPI's.

Sandra is an Organisational Psychologist and NLP Master Practitioner. Over 15 years she has championed and driven diversity and inclusion practice across industry and is considered a leading expert. In 2014, she provided critical expertise and sectoral knowledge establishing the EU Diversity Charter Ireland. In 2018 and 2020 she delivered keynote presentations at the International Academic Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities & Nations. Sandra was a member of the Expert Advisory Group for Ireland’s Citizens Assembly on Gender Equality and is a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council for An Garda Síochána (Ireland's Police Force).

Chair of the Board for Young Ballymun, the Area Based Childhood initiative
Advisory Board Member for Network Ireland
Established the Race Advisory Council (RAC) for Ireland
Leadership Council for An Garda Síochána
Member of The Corporate Governance Institute

Entrepreneur of the Year - Diversity in Tech Awards 2021
Diversein top three Diversity Leaders to Watch in 2018
Finalist European Diversity Awards 2019
Top 125 Leaders in D&I to follow on LinkedIn

Finalist the European Compliance and Ethics Awards 2020
Winner Diversity in Tech Awards 2021
Winner of the Knowledge Transfer Ireland (KTI) Impact Awards 2021

Sessions in which Sandra Healy participates

Sessions in which Sandra Healy attends