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Pedro Maló

Chief Science Officer
Participates in 1 Session

Professor at the Electrotechnical Engineering Department (DEE) of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT NOVA), Senior Researcher at UNINOVA research institute and Entrepreneur at UNPARALLEL Innovation research-driven hi-tech SME. Graduated and MSc in Computer Science and holding a PhD in Computer Engineering with research interests on interoperability and integrability of (complex) systems with special emphasis on Cyber-Physical Systems / Internet of Things. Pedro coined novel methods and tools such as the Plug’n’Play Interoperability (PnI) solution for large-scale data interoperability or the NOVAAS (NOVA Asset Administration Shell) that establishes the guidelines and methodology for industry digitisation by integrating industrial assets into a Industrie4.0 communication backbone. He has 20 years practice in the management, research and technical coordination/development of RTD and innovation projects in ICT domains especially addressing data technologies, systems' interoperability and integration solutions. Pedro is a recognised Project Manager and S&T Coordinator of European/National RTD and industry projects with skills in the coordination of both co-localised and geographical dispersed work teams operating in multidisciplinary and multicultural environments.

Sessions in which Pedro Maló participates

Wednesday 22 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Dublin
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM | 1 hour 15 minutes
Industrial IoT: Resilience and self-sufficiency of the 5.0 IndustryData Protection, Ethics and Security in a connected world2. IoT Markets and Applications in Industry, Agriculture & Smart Communities4. From Data Spaces to Data Legislation

On April 2022, Elon Musk noted that: “At this point, I think I know more about manufacturing tan anyone currently alive on Earth”. Why did he say so? What can be learned from his “Alien” and “Dreadnought” factories? This session will elaborate on the current state of the art on Industrial AI, Digital Twins and Industrial Metaverse and the advances to be seen. Experiences from H2020 Star, HE Circular TAIn and HE R...

Sessions in which Pedro Maló attends

Monday 20 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Dublin