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Giorgio Micheletti

Consulting Director
Participates in 6 items

Giorgio Micheletti is Consulting Director at IDC and directly involved in IDC’s consulting activities with the EU Institutions. Within the context of CREATE-IoT and the European IoT Large-Scale Pilot programme, and in collaboration with IDC’s IoT Practice, Giorgio regularly conducts research around the market and business-related aspects of IoT. He also covers data-related topics such as the European data market and the European data economy, as well as on the ongoing process of digital transformation among companies and organizations in the EU. Mr Micheletti regularly presents at conferences and workshops organized by the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament and other relevant bodies such as such as the Big Data Value Association – BDVA.

Prior to IDC European Government Consulting, Giorgio worked at IDC's European Industry Solutions, IDC's Insights, and IDC's CEMA (Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa) where he gained a deep knowledge of ICT’s supply and demand dynamics at vertical and cross-vertical levels in both mature and emerging markets. Mr Micheletti has a degree in political sciences with specialisation in macro-economics from the University of Bologna in Italy and a Master's Degree in European Studies from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. He completed his MBA from the Open University Business School in the UK and holds a certification from the Project Management Institute as a Project Management Professional (PMP). In addition to his native Italian, Giorgio speaks German, French, and English fluently.

Sessions in which Giorgio Micheletti participates

Monday 20 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Dublin
2:30 PM
2:30 PM - 3:45 PM | 1 hour 15 minutes
IoT Market Challenges and Opportunities: Leadership and Business Innovation2. IoT Markets and Applications in Industry, Agriculture & Smart Communities

Nowadays, industries face tremendous challenges in the months and years ahead. Complex value chains, highly competitive markets, evolving customer and citizen needs, supply chain disruptions, foreign trade uncertainty, environmental sustainability and social impact, and now the COVID-19 pandemic are common challenges that organisations from every industry, from manufacturing to healthcare, energy, financial services, etc., deal with on a daily basis. 

Tuesday 21 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Dublin
5:15 PM
5:15 PM - 6:30 PM | 1 hour 15 minutes
IoT for Sustainable Healthy Societies3. IoT for the SDGs

Wednesday 22 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Dublin
9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | 1 hour 30 minutes
IoT Market Challenges and Opportunities: Leadership and Business Innovation2. IoT Markets and Applications in Industry, Agriculture & Smart Communities

This session will discuss major trends and dynamics of our world that are influencing the decision-making processes of companies. Europe is every time more digital, but some conditions that seemed stable, are not anymore. The pandemic, the war in Ukraine, climate change but also the advent of artificial intelligence, hyperconnectivity and other technologies are leading to a new playground that leaders have to manage.Intro: a view on glob...

Thursday 23 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Dublin
9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | 1 hour 30 minutes
Next Generation IoT: Emerging Technologies1. Next-Generation IoT, Research and Cross-Atlantic CooperationIntelligent IoT Connectivity and BeyondAIOTI

The move to the Far Edge will have huge economic potential by leveraging a local, distributed computing infrastructure, and it facilitates the creation of new services and business models, which are much more rooted in verticals around the applications than today’s more general-purpose cloud business models.The session will focus on the economic potential of Edge Computing in the context of the n...

1:45 PM
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes
IoT Market Challenges and Opportunities: Leadership and Business Innovation2. IoT Markets and Applications in Industry, Agriculture & Smart Communities

Digital Platforms have a disruptive impact on industry value chains and organisations which are the providers and users of digital platforms. In order to take advantage of the opportunities and control the risks of change, innovative business models are needed to adapt the business and operational processes, redefining the customer journey and value proposition, discovering new channels and stakeholders engagement models, and creating innovati...

3:15 PM
3:15 PM - 4:40 PM | 1 hour 25 minutes
IoT Market Challenges and Opportunities: Leadership and Business Innovation2. IoT Markets and Applications in Industry, Agriculture & Smart Communities

This session will analyze the current status and the ongoing path towards the effective data exchange in the energy sector, including its cross-sectorial aspects. Key building blocks for data exchange have been integrated in architecture of various initiatives, deploying relevant concepts towards the data spaces adoption In the first part of the section, the projects in OPEN DEI ecosystem will present their approaches and ...

Sessions in which Giorgio Micheletti attends

Monday 20 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Dublin