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Ms Lydia Vamvakeridou

Programme Director Watershare

Dr Lydia S. Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia is the Director of Watershare ( ) and a Senior Researcher in KWR ( since June 2019. She has an engineering background, with expertise and research interests focused mainly on computational modelling and hydroinformatics across a wide range of subjects: Water Supply and Distribution Systems, Smart Meters, System Dynamics Modelling, the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Serious Gaming, the Circular Economy and Artificial Intelligence techniques for Water Systems.

Before joining KWR Lydia was, since 2003, a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Water Systems, University of Exeter, UK, and still maintains a part-time position there, working on EU funded projects. Prior to that, she was a Lecturer at the Technical University of Athens (1990-2003). Over the course of many years, Lydia has also developed an extensive track record and expertise in international and EU-funded grants and projects: organising and winning bids, managing, advising, guiding and supervising teams of researchers, evaluating proposals and projects, and being involved as a stakeholder in EC consultation groups. Since 2013, she has been in the leading group of the ICT4WATER cluster ( , and has been playing an active role in Water Europe ( , where she leads the Water & Energy Working Group and co-Leads the smart sensors Working Group.