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The ASSIST-IoT approach to NGIoT architecture design and implementation

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5:15 PM, Tuesday 21 Jun 2022 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Intelligent IoT Connectivity and Beyond1. Next-Generation IoT, Research and Cross-Atlantic Cooperation

ASSIST-IoT is an EU funded research project aiming at designing, implementing and validating a multi-plane (semi-)autonomous decentralized edge-cloud reference architecture, to assist human-centric applications in multiple verticals. This architecture is composed of horizontal planes, which include device, network, data and application-related functionalities to support Next-Generation IoT (NGIoT) paradigm, and vertical ones, which address all-encompassing concerns, properties and transversal functionalities such as security, interoperability or manageability, among others.

In this session, some experts of the project will present relevant outcomes of ASSIST-IoT, in particular: design principles of the reference architecture and definition of the concept of encapsulated enablers; orchestration of enablers in an ASSIST-IoT deployment, following Cloud-Native principles and leveraging container orchestration technologies; DLT for securing data sharing in IoT environments; and use of ASSIST-IoT enablers for enhancing vertical applications, in particular, for securing assets’ tracking in terminal yards, and consuming real-time data for mixed reality applications in construction environments. The following are the topics to be presented:

• Introduction of ASSIST-IoT as the reference architecture for the NGIoT.
• Design and implementation of a smart orchestrator for deploying enablers in NGIoT environments.
• Secure data sharing schemes for IoT by coupling XACML & Distributed Ledgers.
• ASSIST-IoT functionalities for securely tracking assets in terminal yard.
• Consuming real-time data in Mixed Reality application through distributed data broker: A case study on large construction site.

Additionally, some live demos will be performed showing some of the presented results.

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