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Multilateral Digital Value Chains for Data-Powered Manufacturing Business Ecosystem Building

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5:15 PM, Wednesday 22 Jun 2022 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Industrial IoT: Resilience and self-sufficiency of the 5.0 Industry2. IoT Markets and Applications in Industry, Agriculture & Smart Communities
Óscar Lázaro10 'Introduction OPEN DEI Think Tank
Michela Magas10' Excellence in multilateral DVC Open Innovation Conduct: Towards an m-DVC Industry Commons
Daniel Saez Domingo10' (Data) DIH Services for SME engagement in m-DVC
Dominic Gorecky10' Reference Scenarios & Use Cases for Multilateral DVC (m-DVC)
Audren LayeuxA Business Continuum for Business Interoperability: The m-DVC Business Continuity Index Framework
Bruno Almeida10' Industry 4.0 data-driven use case replicability: The DFA Innovation Catalogue
Vincenzo Lomonaco10' A Continuum for Open AI Research & Skills Development: Continual AI initiative
Oscar Lázaro5' Conclusions

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