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GIOTS Paper Presentation S1.3. IoT Applications, Services and Real Implementations

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Paper Sessions
4:15 PM, Monday 20 Jun 2022 (1 hour 15 minutes)

Chair: Mr. Takekazu Kitagishi  


4:15 ConQeng: A Middleware for Quality of Context Aware Selection, Measurement and Validation  

Kanaka Sai Jagarlamudi (remote), Arkady Zaslavsky, Seng W Loke, Alireza Hassani and Alexey Medvedev (Deakin University, Australia) 

4:33 Automating Heterogeneous IoT Device Networks from Multiple Brokers with Multiple Data Models 

Pierfrancesco Bellini (University of Florence, Italy); Chiara Camerota (UNIFI DINFO DISIT, Italy); Paolo Nesi (DSI, University of Florence, Italy) 

4:52 A Persuasive system for Stress Detection and Management in an Educational Environment  

Pablo César Calcina Ccorirecorded video (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Peru); Eduardo Rodriguez-Canales (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Peru); Edgar Sarmiento-Calisaya (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Peru) 

5:11 Conceptual Framework of Contact-less Consumer Products Industry during and Post-Pandemic Era  

Radhya Sahal (University College Cork, Ireland); Saeed Alsamhi (Technological University of the Shannon, Ireland); Kenneth N Brown (University College Cork, Ireland) 

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