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Offering and Experiences of the European Federation of Data-driven Innovation Hubs

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5:15 PM, Tuesday 21 Jun 2022 (1 hour 15 minutes)
From Data Spaces to Trustworthy AI: Designing Data Spaces in Real Life4. From Data Spaces to Data Legislation

If you are interested in accessing a pan-European catalogue of data sets and data services as a user, if you want to join a federation of top data infrastructure providers in Europe as a hub, if you want to know how to deal with data interoperability when experimenting with data in cross-border environments, this is definitely your session.

This session will bring a very attractive set of panelists with experience in running infrastructures and facilities for data-driven experimentation that will share with us best practices and lessons learned from the joint work carried out between the hubs and the experimenters (mostly SMEs).

But besides that, you will get to know the offering of the federation, what it is and which conditions you have to fulfil if you want to join it. If you are an experimenter/SME, you will also get to know insights on the upcoming opportunities through the 3rd Open call of the EUH4D project.

So, reserve this slot if you are a DIH, i-Space, infrastructure provider, or if you are an SME, a startup or any other organization interested in data-driven experimentation. If your domain is ethics or data interoperability, you will also find value here. Come and contribute to the discussion and…LEARN A LOT. A booth in the exhibition area will complement the information provided in this session: Look for us!

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