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Future European platforms for the IoT and Edge: Meta Operating Systems

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5:15 PM, Wednesday 22 Jun 2022 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Croke Park Conference Centre - Hogan Mezzanine 2
Next Generation IoT: Emerging TechnologiesIntelligent IoT Connectivity and Beyond1. Next-Generation IoT, Research and Cross-Atlantic Cooperation

The call topic “Future European platforms for the Edge: Meta Operating Systems” targeted for the next generation of higher-level (meta) operating systems for the smart IoT with strong computing capacity at the edge, embedded in a computing continuum from IoT-to-edge-to-cloud. Horizon Europe Cluster 4 projects are launched to strengthen European supply and value chains in cloud to edge computing by integrating relevant elements of computing, connectivity, IoT, AI and cybersecurity. Selected projects will exploit new computing and virtualisation paradigms, building on established cloud concepts and targeting down-scaling application-agnostic computing principles to a novel edge infrastructure. Central to many approaches is the objective to include edge virtualisation by applying containers process that delivers service and applications to the edge computing of the network. Meta-OS project are expected to innovate by exploiting network functions such as cloud/fog communication with substantial integration of 5G features and network virtualisation.

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