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Challenges of IoT and Edge Computing for European Industry

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9:00 AM, Thursday 23 Jun 2022 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Croke Park Conference Centre - Hogan Mezzanine 1
Next Generation IoT: Emerging Technologies1. Next-Generation IoT, Research and Cross-Atlantic CooperationIntelligent IoT Connectivity and BeyondAIOTI

The move to the Far Edge will have huge economic potential by leveraging a local, distributed computing infrastructure, and it facilitates the creation of new services and business models, which are much more rooted in verticals around the applications than today’s more general-purpose cloud business models.

The session will focus on the economic potential of Edge Computing in the context of the next-generation IoT by providing an analysis of Europe’s economic opportunities, covering its environmental, energy, and green potential. The session will identify evolving industrial architectures and platforms for Industrial edge-IoT, and address opportunities in sectors, which are strategic for Europe. The session will also include a presentation on European Data Act and repercussions for vertical sectors.

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