Privacy, Innovation, and Global Trade: (How) Can we Have it All?
My Session Status
2:00 PM, jueves 20 abr 2023
(1 hour)
Ca' Dolfin
- Aula Magna
Socio-economic Perspective
Socio-economic perspectiveinternational cooperationRegulatory evolution
The question of how to reconcile privacy, innovation, and global trade can be a challenging one, as actors involved in the debate on cross-border data flows often come from different political communities, use different terminologies, and operate under different presumptions and assumptions. This panel brings together a diverse mix of experts to share their views on the frequent sources of misunderstandings that exist between players involved in these discussions, how we can overcome difficulties, advance trust and facilitate the charting of a whole-of-government path towards a more prosperous and interconnected world.