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Regional Evolutions in Data Protection

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4:00 PM, martes 11 jun 2024 (50 minutos)
Break (Track III)   04:00 PM to 04:30 PM (30 minutos)
International Cooperation
Regulatory evolution


Through insightful discussions and comparative analyses, speakers in this session explore the dynamic landscape of data protection regulations and practices at regional levels. They will also discuss various regional perspectives, from Asia-Pacific to Africa and Latin America, as well as present a comprehensive view on ongoing regional evolutions, commonalities, and distinct characteristics in data protection. 

Key questions and objectives 

  • What is the current evolution and future trends of data protection in the various continental regions?
  • What are the distinctive features and priorities of data protection regulations in different regions?
  • How do these variations impact global data governance and cross-border data flows?
  • What are the factors driving divergences and convergences in regional data protection regulations, and how can they be navigated?
  • How are regional data protection frameworks evolving in response to emerging technologies, privacy concerns, and geopolitical dynamics?

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