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European Data Protection Seal: First Achievements and Perspectives

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10:00 AM, miércoles 12 jun 2024 (30 minutos)
Coffee Break at Al Cafetier (Track IV, V)   10:30 AM to 11:00 AM (30 minutos)
Coffee Break at Venice Eat (Track II, III)   10:30 AM to 11:00 AM (30 minutos)
Coffee Break at Caffè Rosso (Track I)   10:30 AM to 11:00 AM (30 minutos)
International Cooperation


The EU GDPR makes over 70 references to certification, and its Article 42 sets the basis for a European Data Protection Seal. In October 2022, the European Data Protection Board approved the Europrivacy criteria to serve as European Data Protection Seal. In March this year, European Accreditation validated the accreditation of Europrivacy at European level in line with Art. 43 GDPR. Since then, certification bodies have completed their Art. 43 accreditation and started to deliver the first European seals. This session will share the first returns of experience with this new mechanism that aims at reducing risks, facilitating compliance, and turning it into a source of value creation.  

Key questions and objectives 

  • What are the characteristics and advantages of a European Data Protection Seal? 
  • How does it work in practice?  
  • What are the benefits and advantages of such certification for the various stakeholders?  
  • What is the foreseeable evolution?  

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