Towards Cross-Provider Analysis of Transparency Information for Data Protection
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Coffee Break at Caffè Rosso (Track I) 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM (30 minutos)
This paper presents a novel approach to enable large-scale transparency information analysis across service providers, leveraging machine-readable formats and graph data science methods. More specifically, the authors propose a general approach for building a transparency analysis platform (TAP) that is used to identify data transfers empirically, provide evidence-based analyses of sharing clusters of more than 70 real-world data controllers, or even to simulate network dynamics using synthetic transparency information for large-scale data-sharing scenarios. The authors also provide the general approach for advanced transparency information analysis, an open source architecture and implementation in the form of a queryable analysis platform, and versatile analysis examples. These contributions pave the way for more transparent data processing for data subjects, and evidence-based enforcement processes for data protection authorities. Future work can build upon the authors' contributions to gain more insights into so-far hidden data-sharing practices.