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Launch of the FRA Report on ‘Data Protection Authorities: Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing the GDPR After 6 Years of Application’

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4:50 PM, martes 11 jun 2024 (40 minutos)
International Cooperation
In 2022 and 2023, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) conducted 70 interviews with heads and staff members of the EU-27 national Data Protection Authorities. Through these interviews, FRA collected experiences, challenges and good practices when it comes to enforcing the GDPR. In this report, FRA 1. identifies common trends and difficulties across Member States, 2. showcases how difficulties can practically harm the effective implementation of DPAs’ mandate, and 3. presents close to 40 promising practices developed at the national level. During this session, FRA will introduce the report and will discuss its key findings and opinions with the European Commission, the EDPB, and the European Parliament.

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