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Data Governance Act, Data Act, and Digital Services Act

Mon statut pour la session

11:00 AM, Jeudi 13 Juin 2024 (45 minutes)
Ca' Dolfin - Aula Magna
Data Protection in Practice


This comprehensive session presents the transformative potential of the Data Governance Act, Data Act, and Digital Services Act in shaping the future of digital governance. As the European Union seeks to establish a solid regulatory framework to govern data sharing and digital services, understanding the risks and opportunities presented by these legislative initiatives is significant. 

Key questions and objectives 

  • What are the primary objectives of the Data Governance Act, Data Act, and Digital Services Act? 
  • How do these legislative initiatives aim to foster innovation and competition in the digital economy while protecting consumers? 
  • What are the potential risks and complexities associated with implementing these legislative initiatives, and how can they be addressed? 

Mon statut pour la session


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