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International Data Protection Certification: Challenges and Opportunities

Mon statut pour la session

10:00 AM, Vendredi 14 Juin 2024 (1 heure)
Coffee Break at Venice Eat (Track II)   11:00 AM à 11:30 AM (30 minutes)
Coffee Break at Caffè Rosso (Track I)   11:00 AM à 11:30 AM (30 minutes)
Coffee Break at Al Cafetier (Track II, III)   11:00 AM à 11:30 AM (30 minutes)
Data Protection Certification


Recent years have seen the emergence of regional and international data protection certifications, including the European Data Protection Seal in Europe and the Global CBPR. This session will discuss the opportunities and challenges for international convergence and interoperability in terms of data protection certifications.  

Key questions and objectives 

  • What are the main challenges for international data protection certifications? 
  • What are the main opportunities for international data protection certifications? 
  • What are the risks of a lack of interoperability and territorial fragmentation among data protection certifications? 

Ms Chiara Romano


Mr Willy Fabritius


Dr Mariagrazia Lanzanova


Marc Schlegel


Mr Alessandro Mantelero


Mon statut pour la session


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