- Nabil Abdennadher, Professor, HES-SO (University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland)
- Per. Adamson
- Ulrich Ahle, CEO, FIWARE Foundation
- Nasser Saleh Al Marzouqi, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 20 Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities and Communities (SC&C)
- Reto Amstad, Consultant Plant Data Services, Siemens Switzerland
- Norberto Andrade, Facebook
- Aliaksei Andruschevich, Senior Researcher / CEO, iHomeLab, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts / SwissIQ GmbH
- Pasquale Annicchino, Senior Assistant Professor of Law, Università di Foggia
- Daniel Aranda, Ripple Lab
- Domenico Arpaia, CEO, OrbiWise SA
- Dr. Davide Bacciu, Assistant Professor of Machine Learning at the Computer Science Department, University of Pisa
- Ajith Balakumar, CEO, Forthcode
- Jean Yves Barcelo
- Martin Bauer, Senior Standardization Engineer, NEC Laboratories Europe
- George Beers, Project Coordinator, SmartAgriHubs
- Marc-Elian Bégin, CEO & Co-founder, SixSq
- Helmi Ben Hmida, Senior Researcher and Project Manager, Smart Living Competence Center in the Fraunhofer Institute
- Emmanuel Benoist, Professor for Computer Science, Bern University of Applied Sciences
- Alexander Berlin, CEO, Berlin Thinking Consulting
- Stefano Bianchi, Research Team Leader & Project Manager, Softeco Sismat
- Phillippa Biggs, Senior Policy Analyst, ITU
- Adriana Blanco
- Enrique Blanco, Head of Process Control Systems and Safety Beam Department, CERN
- Patrick Blankers, Head of Sustainability & Corporate responsibility for the region Western & Central Europe, Ericsson
- Yann Bocchi, Professor and Head of the Software Engineering Unit / Committee Member, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO) Valais / Swiss Mobility Lab
- Zsuzsanna Bódi, Association Manager, European Network of LivingLabs - ENoLL ivzw
- Franck Boissière, Policy Coordinator & Programme Officer, European Commission
- Luca Bolognini, President, Istituto Italiano per la Privacy e la Valorizzazione dei Dati
- John Bothos, Associate Researcher, Integrated Systems Laboratory (ISL)
- Mustapha Bouraoui, Vice-President Strategic Marketing Europe, Middle East and Africa, STMicroelectronics
- Jonas Breuer, Research Associate and Project Manager, Imec
- Raphael Briner, Chief Marketing Officer, Elium
- Arne Bröring, Research Scientist, Siemens
- Davide Brunelli, Assistant Professor, University of Trento
- Martin Brynskov, Associate Professor in Interaction Technologies, Aarhus University
- Reinhard Budich
- Cristina Bueti, Counselor of ITU-T Study Group 20 “Internet of things (IoT) and smart cities and communities (SC&C), ITU - International Telecommunication Union
- Francoise Burhenne
- Martin Bürki, Country Manager, Ericsson Switzerland
- Martin Burns, Smart Grid and Cyber-Physical Systems Program Office, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Reinhard Bütikofer, Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA) and the Co-Chair of the European Green Party (EGP), European Parliament
- Juan Cadavid, Responsible for European Affairs at the Software and Systems Engineering Department, CEA LIST
- Monique Calisti, CEO Martel Innovate & President Digital for Planet, Martel Innovate
- Jan Camenish, Principal Research Staff Member, IBM Research
- Joe Cannataci, Special Rapporteur, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Domenica Carriero, Associate Economic Affairs Officer, UNECE
- Marco Carugi, Senior Consultant, ITU-T SG20 and AIOTI WG03
- Gonzalo Casas, The Things Network, Zurich Community
- Tony Cass, CERN
- Filippo Cavallo, Assistant Professor, BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, (Pisa, Italy)
- c.c c.c
- Giovanna Centonze, Responsible of performing analysis of big data, TPG
- Giorgio Cesana, Director of Technology Marketing, Front - End Manufacturing and Technology R&D Group/ Executive Co - Director, STMicroelectronics/SOI Industry Consortium
- Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization, World Health Organization
- Andrew Charlesworth, Reader in Information Technology Law / Director, University of Bristol
- Karel Charvat, Representative of HSRS, OGC Agriculture DWG
- Parag Chatterjee, Professor-Researcher, National Technological University (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional), Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Hyojkeun Choi, Product Manager and Development Leader of IoT/BigData Platform "Insator", SamsungSDS R&D Center
- Philippe Cina, International Markets, Head of Business Development, PostBus Switzerland
- Jean Francòis Ciparisse, Ph.D. student in Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata
- Flavio Cirillo, Research Scientist of theCloud Services and Smart Things group, NEC Laboratories Europe
- James Clarke, EU Strategic Liaison Manager, Waterford Institute of Technology
- Louis Coetzee, Chief Engineer and Research Group Leader, CSIR Meraka Institute (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research), South Africa
- Marius-Iulian Corici, Senior Researcher, Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute
- Bev Corwin, OWASP
- Philippe Cousin, Easy Global Market
- Roman Cueni, La Poste
- Yves Daccord, Director General, ICRC
- Amadou Daffe, Coder4africa, SENEGAL, KENYA
- Reinaldo de Bernardi, General Manager, CIAg - Center for Innovation in Agribusiness
- Bart de Lathouwer, Director, Interoperability Programs, Open Geospatial
- Rosa Delgado, Chair/ International Consultant of Internet of Things (IoT), New Internet (IPv6) and Internet Top Level Domain Names, Peru IPv6 Council
- Mauro Dell'Ambrogio, State Secretary for Education and Research, Federal Department of Home Affairs - SERI
- Mario Díaz Nava, ST Microelectronics
- Whitfield Diffie, Stanford
- Julian Dömer, Responsible for 5G development in the Mobile Business Solutions Department, Swisscom
- Gert Döring, Netmaster
- Mauro Dragone, Assistant Professor, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Centre for Robotics
- Rémi Druilhe, Research Engineer, Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA)
- Corentin Dupont, WAZIUP Initiative
- Juergen Ehrensberger, Professor in Telecommunications, HES-SO (University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland)
- Omar Elloumi, Bell-Labs Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Nokia
- Shirin Enshaeifar, Research Fellow, University of Surrey
- Jarmo Eskelinen, Chief Innovation & Technology Officer, Future Cities Catapult
- Gemma Farmer, ICO - UK
- John Farserotu, Head of the Wireless Program and Wireless Systems Division/Chair, CSEM/ETSI Technical Committee (TC) SmartBAN
- Ramy Fathy, Vice Chairman of the ITU-T Study Group 20 (SG20), ITU - International Telecommunication Union
- Serge Fdida, Professor, Sorbonne University
- Giuseppe Fico, Associate Professor, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Silvia Maria Fonseca Silveira Massruhá, General Director, Embrapa Agricultural Informatics
- Kary Främling, Professor in Computer Science, Aalto University (former Helsinki University of Technology)
- Raphael Frank, SNT
- Samuel Fricker
- Pr. Antônio Augusto Fröhlich, Head of the Software/Hardware Integration Lab 7Associate professor at the Computer Science Department (INE), Computer Science Department Federal University of Santa Catarina
- Detlef-Georg Fuehrer, University of Luxembourg
- Mario Fürst, Digital Transformation Officer, Siemens Switzerland
- Peter Gallinelli, Researcher and teacher, HES-SO
- Ana Garcia Robles, Secretary General, Big Data Value Association (BDVA)
- Yuming Ge, Managing Engineer, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
- Dominique Genoud, Professor / CTO / Partner, HES-SO / Agrofly / Datastory
- Panagiotis Georgopoulos, Senior Innovation Engineer and Team Lead, Innovations Department at Swisscom
- Okan Geray, Strategic Planning Consultant, Smart Dubai Office
- Nicola Giandomenico, Professor in electronics, HEPIA
- Bernard Gindroz, Chairman of ISO TC 268 - Sustainable Cities and Communities, ISO - International Organization for Standarization
- Alexander Gluhak, Founder & CEO, Urban Data Collective
- Robert Gomez-Reino, CEO, Cleverdist
- Rahul Gosain, Director Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, IRSME
- Harin S. Grewal, Cluster Director, IMDA Singapore
- Rudolf Griss, EPFL (Ecole Polytecnique Federale Lausanne)
- Patrick Guillemin, Technical and Senior Research Officer, AIOTI - ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
- Sergio Guillen Barrionuevo, Chief Innovation Officer, ACTIVAGE ASSOCIATION
- Dominique Guinard, CTO & Co-Founder, EVRYTHNG
- Prof. M.P. Gupta
- Sergio Gusmeroli, Research Coordinator, Politecnico di Milano
- António Guterres, Secretary General, UN
- Kai Hackbarth, Senior Technology Evangelist IoT and Connected Products, Bosch Software Innovations GmbH
- Silvia Hagen, Chair/CEO, Swiss IPv6 Council/Sunny Connection AG
- Stephan Haller, Dozent, Bern University of Applied Sciences
- Edwin Hecker, Managing Partner, SmartAgriHubs
- Juergen Heiles, Corporate Standardization Manager, Siemens AG
- Didier Hélal, Co-founder, Strategic Accounts Senior Director, Orbiwise
- Dirk Helbing, Professor of Computational Social Science, ETH Zurich
- Christopher Hemmens, Lead Researcher in end-user engagement, Mandat International
- Fred Herren, Chief Operating Officer Africa, SGS Group Management Ltd
- Juan José Hierro, Chief Technology Officer/Chairman, Fiware Foundation/Fiware Technical Steering Committee
- Antonio Hodgers, Conseiller d'Etat chargé du département de l'aménagement, du logement et de l'énergie (DALE), Canton of Geneva
- Jan Höller, Research Fellow, Ericsson AB
- Marita Holst, Senior Project Manager at Centre for Distance-Spanning Technology and Botnia Living Lab, Lulea University of Technology (LTE)
- Laurent Horvath, Smart City Delegate, City of Carouge
- Xiaohong Huang, Professor, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications (BUPT)
- Thorsten Hülsmann, Director, Industrial Data Space Association IDSA
- Diwata Hunziker, WWG
- Danh Iephuoc, Technical University of Berlin
- Heini Ikävalko, Researcher, Aalto University School of Business
- Ricardo Inamasu, Pesquisador, Automação e Agricultura de Precisão Embrapa Instrumentação São Carlos/SP
- Peggy Irelan, Telemetry, Data Architectures and IoT Solutions, Intel Fellow
- Mauro Isaja, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SPA
- Bilel Jamoussi, Deputy-Director, ITU/AI4GOOD
- Marianne Janik, General Manager, Microsoft Switzerland
- Antonio Jara, CEO, HOPU
- Nicole Jones, Google INC
- Robert Kahn, CEO and President, CNRI - Corporation for National Research Initiatives
- Georgios Karagiannis, Principal strategist in Standardisation and Industry Development, Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH
- Alexandre Karlov, Professor, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland in School of Business and Engineering Vaud
- Edward Kelley, Director for the Department of Service Delivery and Safety, WHO
- Christine Kendrick, Air Quality Lead/Smart Cities Project Manager, City of Portland | Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
- Matthias Kern
- Yasir Khokhar, Founder and CEO, Connecterra
- Eunah Kim, Head of Research and Development, Device Gateway SA & UDG Alliance
- Jaeho Kim, Managerial Researcher, IoT Platform Research Center at the Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI)
- Joe Klein, Founder and CTO, CISSP - Disrupt 6
- Marcello Knorich Zuffo, Full Professor at Politecnic Engineering School, Univeridade de São Paulo (USP)
- Sename Koffi, Woelab (fablab) ,Lome , TOGO
- Sergio Takeo Kofuji, Professor Dr., Escola Politécnica Da Universidade De Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Dimitri Konstantas, Full Professor / Director, Interfaculty Computer Science Centre / Information Science Institute (ISI) of the Geneva School of Economics and Management of the University of Geneva
- Nikolaos Kontinakis, Senior Projects Coordinator, EUROCITIES
- Georges Kotrotsios, Member of the Executive Board, CSEM
- Guy-Michel KOUAKOU, SG20
- Srdjan Krco, Co-founder/CEO of DunavNET. Management Boards of WeDoSoftware, BluSky Consulting LLC, AIOTI and IoT Forum, DunavNET
- Bernard Kuiten, Head of External Relations, World Trade Organization
- Slawomir Kuklinski, Ekspert R&D, Orange Polska
- Joanna Kulik, Software Engineer, Google, Inc
- Benjamin Kumpf, Leader of the Innovation Facility of the UN Development Programme, UNDP
- Antonio Kung, CEO, Trialog
- Leif Laaksonen, Director, CSC company
- Iker Larizgoitia Abad, Research Engineer / Program Manager, EVRYTHNG
- Mikel Larrañaga Negro, Senior Researcher, IK4-TEKNIKER
- Elise Latify, Independent Privacy and Data Protection Lawyer, Former CNIL
- Oscar Lazaro, Managing Director, Innovalia
- Chaesub Lee, Executive Advisor, COLLCOMM
- Gyu Myoung Lee, Professor, Liverpool John Moores University
- Franck Le Gall, Chief Operating Officer, Easy Global Market, COO
- Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director, Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs (DPA), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
- Yves Leutzinger, HEPIA
- Carmen López, Research Fellow Network Planning and Mobile Communications Laboratory, which belongs to the Communications Engineering Department, University of Cantabria
- Fernando López de Aguilar, FIWARE Cloud and Platform Senior Expert, FIWARE Foundation
- Olavi Luotonen, Programme Officer, European Commission
- Patrice Lyons, General Counsel, Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI)
- Teresa Macchia, Experience Researcher, Digital Catapult Centre
- Pedro Maló, Chief Science Officer, UNPARALLEL
- Gabriel Antonio Marao, President, Brazilian IoT Forum
- Simona Marinescu, Chief, Development Impact Group Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS)
- Alexandre Martin, Director for Western Switzerland, Siemens
- Esmeralda Megally, CEO and Co-Founder, Xsensio
- Ernst Meyer
- Dr. George Michalos, Project Manager, Labora-tory of Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS)
- Svetoslav Mihaylov, Policy Officer, Internet of Things Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- Mark Miller, CEO /Vice Chairman / Member of the Board of Directors, CONCEPTIVITY /European Organisation for Security / European Cyber Security Organisation
- Gabriel Montenegro, Microsoft
- John Moor, IoT Security Foundation
- Jim Morrish, Founding Partner, Transforma Insights
- Monique Morrow, President and Co-Founder, Humanized Internet
- Elena Mugellini, Professor, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland in Fribourg (HES-SO)
- Catherine Mulligan, Vice Chairman of the ETSI ISG CIM, Imperial College Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering
- Geoff Mulligan, Founder & Chair, LoRa Alliance
- Luis Muñoz, Dept. of Communications Engineering, University of Cantabria
- Amy L. Murphy, Senior Researcher, Bruno Kessler Foundation
- Nelson Malaguti, Counsellor Radiocommunication Bureau (BR), International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- Akihiro Nakao, Director, Collaborative Research Institute for NGCI,Next-Generation Cyber Infrastructure, University of Tokyo
- Achime Malick NDIAYE, SG20
- Selena Nemorin, Researcher, Department of Media and Communications for the VIRT-EU research project: Values and Ethics in Innovation for Responsible Technology in Europe
- Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts, Director, IoT, Forum Virium Helsinki
- Sotiris Nikoletseas, IoT Lab
- Alexander Ntoko, Chief of the Operations and Planning Department, ITU - International Telecommunication Union
- Alexis Oliverau, Ingénieur Chercheur, CEA - Commissariat à lénergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
- Kathleen Olstedt, Manager Innovation & Cooperation, European Innovation Hub
- Andrea Onetti, Vice President, General Manager MEMS Sensor Division, STMicroelectronics
- Alex Osterwalder, Osterwalder
- Nabil Ouerhani, Computer Science Professor, Computer ScUniversity of Applied Sciences (HES -SO)
- Alberto Paradisi, Chief Research and Development Officer, CPqD
- G. Pau
- Rémy Pawlak, Researcher of the NanoCar Race team, University of Basel
- Nuria Pazos, Computer Science Professor, University of Applied Sciences (HES-SO)
- Michele Pelino
- Florent Pellarin, Somfy
- Pier Luigi Petrali, Whirlpool
- Margot Pinault, Policy Officer in charge of Horizon 2020 funding for Energy Efficiency (Societal Challenge 3 - Energy Efficiency part), European Commission European Commission, DG Energy, Energy Efficiency unit, Buildings and Finance team
- Karina Popova, Head of Development, LINK Mobility GmbH
- Martin Potts, Founder & Director / Coordinator, Martel Consulting/H2020 project EU-China Study on IoT and 5G (EXCITING)
- Yanick Pouffary, HPE
- Bart Preneel
- Mirko Presser, Associate Professor, Aarhus University
- Dr. Ing. Karl-Oskar Proskawetz, Car 2 Car Forum
- Steve Purser, Head of Core Operations Department, ENISA
- Philippe Quinio, STMicroelectronics
- Dave Raggett, Senior Researcher, W3C
- Tushar Raju, Project Manager, European Platforms Initiative (IoT-EPI)
- Sureswaran Ramadass, Prof Emeritus, Internet Engineering. Chairman, Steering Committee, ITU-MUST IPv6 and IoT Center of Expertise
- Florence Raynal, Global Data Protection Officer, Pernod Ricard
- Yassin Rekik, Computer Sciences Professor, University of Applied Sciences - Western Switzerland (HES-SO)
- Benoît Revaz, Director, Swiss Federal Office for Energy
- Rolf Riemenschneider, Head of Sector, "Internet of Things" Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- Ricardo Rivera, Sectorial Manager, BNDES
- Andrei Robachevsky
- Jorge Rodrigues, Sales director for Industry & Society in Switzerland, Ericsson
- Raphael Rollier, Responsable du programme Smart City, Swisscom
- Carsten Rossenhoevel, Managing Director and co-founder, EANTC AG (European Advanced Networking Test Center
- Paolo Ruti, chief of the World Weather Research Division, World Meteorological Organization (UN)
- Dario Sabella, Secretary of ETSI MEC, Intel
- Alessandro Saffiotti, Orebro University, Cognitive Robotic Systems laboratory
- Yasir Saleem, Research Engineer, Wireless Networks and Multimedia Services Department, Telecom SudParis
- José Gustavo Sampaio Gontijo, Director of the Department of Science, Technology and Digital Innovation & Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Science
- Luis Sánchez, Associate Professor at the Department of Communications Engineering, University of Cantabria
- Ziqin Sang, Vice Chairman, ITU-T Study Group on IoT and Smart Cities and Communities (SG20), Wuhan Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications
- Ana Lizeth Santos Hernandez, Director of Finance and Administration Bureau and Human Resource Manager, National Commission of Telecommunications of Honduras
- Kamran Sayrafian, Program Lead, NIST
- Manuel Schweizer, Founder/Member of the Board, AG/SwissIX Internet Exchange
- Lucio Scudiero, Avvocati Associati, Legance
- Ulrich Seldeslachts,
- Martin Serrano, IoT Unit Head, Principal Investigator & Data Scientist at Insight Centre for data Analytics and Chair at i3-MARKET, Insight Centre for Data Analytics - NUI Galway
- Uri Shani, Research Staff Member, IBM
- Abhishek Sharma, Founder and MD, Beyond Evolution TechSolutions Pvt. Ltd.
- Pieter Simoens, Professor, Ghent university, IMEC
- Andrea Siviero, Research Manager / Leader, IDC's Customer Insights & Analysis Group / IDC European IoT Practice
- Antonio Skarmeta, Full Professor, Universidad de Murcia
- Niels Peter Skov Andersen, General Manager, Car 2 Car Forum
- Adrian Slatcher, City of Manchester
- Jan Sliwa, Researcher, Bern University of Applied Sciences
- Maria Sokhn, Professor / Head of the Data Semantics Lab / VP, HES-SO / eGov Innovation Center
- John Soldatos, Senior R&D Consultant and Innovation Delivery Specialist, INTRASOFT International
- Dr. Christoph Sommer
- JaeSeung Song, assistant professor, leading the SESlab Computer and Information Security Department, Sejong University
- Sergios Soursos, Master R&D Engineer, Intracom SA Telecom Solutions
- James St-Pierre, James St. Pierre, Deputy Director Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Anna Ståhlbröst, Professor, Head of Subject & Division, Luleå University of Technology
- Nathalie Stembert, Human-Centered Researcher and Designer, Stembert Design
- Lee Stogner, Industrial Relations, IEEE Region 3
- Jürgen Sturm, Chair of the Management Board, AIOTI
- Tanya Suarez, Board Member of AIOTI, Founder of IoT Tribe and CEO of BluSpecs, BlueSpecs/AIOTI
- Marimuthu Swami Palaniswami, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Director/Convener of Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), University of Melbourne
- Alexandru-Adrian Tantar, co-founder and Vice-President Research & Innovation, Black Swan LUX
- Dr. Emilia Tantar, Chief Operating Officer, Black Swan LUX
- Tiago Teixeira, Leader of the design, specification and development of the open-source plug-&-sense platform, H2020 WAZIUP
- Ad Ten Berg, Office Director, ARTEMIS Industry Association
- Ye Tian, Executive Deputy Director, Internet of Things Information Technology and Application Laboratory of the Computer Network Information Center (CNIC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
- Andrea Toth, ERTICO
- Elias Z. Tragos, Project Manager of FIESTA-IoT, Insight Centre for Data Analytics National University of Ireland
- Athinas Trakas, Services Director Europe, Open Geospatial
- Vlad Mihai Trifa, Head of Digital Lab, Swisscom
- Hannes Tschofenig, Chair, ACE
- Roland Uhlmann, Key account manager Swiss Market & IoT lead, Ericsson Switzerland
- Andrés Upegui, Profesor/Institut inIT, HESSO
- Christopher Uwaje, CEO, Mobile Software Solutions Limited
- Luciana Vaccaro, Rector, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
- Ines Vaittinen, International Project Manager and Developer, ENoLL
- Kees van der Klauw, Chairman, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI)
- Rob van Kranenburg, Founder of Council, The European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things
- Frank Van Rompaey, Head, UNIDO - Geneva
- Dimitri van Zantvliet Rozemeijer, Chief Information and?? Technology Officer ?, GÉANT
- Ranga Rao Venkateshha Prasad
- Ovidiu Vermesan, Chief Scientist, SINTEF
- Brecht Vermeulen, Technical Coordinator, Fed4FIRE+
- César Viho, Professor in the Computer Sciences Departement (ISTIC), INRIA/IRISA - Université de Rennes I
- Eric Vyncke, Distinguished Engineer, Cisco Systems
- Ralf-Michael Wagner, Chief Operation Officer for MindSphere, Siemens Digital Industries
- Nicolas Walder, Mayor of the City of Carouge and President of the United Cities of Geneva, Carouge
- Jean Phillipe Walter, Préposé suppléant, Préposé fédéral à la protection des données et à la transparence
- Chonggang Wang
- Thomas Watteyne, Research Scientist & Innovator, Inria / Analog Devices
- Dr. Rolf H. Weber, Professor, University of Zurich - Faculty of Law
- Tobias Weigel, computer scientist, WDCC
- Patrick Wetterwald, Internet of Things and Smart Grid Standardization Manager, Cisco
- Brian Witten, Senior Director of Symantec Research Labs (SRL) Worldwide, Symantec
- Peter Wittenburg, Co-Chair, FDO Forum
- Konrad Wrona, Principal Scientist at the The NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency), NATO
- Sheng-Ann Yu, Director Cloud Group Function Technology, Ericsson
- Marco Zenarro, ICPT Trieste
- Houlin Zhao, Secretary-General, ITU
- Sergey Zhdanov, ITU/Russia
- Sébastien Ziegler, Chair of the Privacy Symposium, Mandat International / ECCP
- Philippe Zimmermann, Silent Circle
- Detlef Zühlke, Initiator & Chairman, Industrie 4.0
- André Zwanziger, Enterprise Architect and member of the Lead IoT Architects Team at Digital Division, T-Systems International GmbH