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IoT & the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Mon statut pour la session

5:15 PM, Jeudi 8 Juin 2017 (1 heure 30 minutes)
IoT Finance, Market and Industry 4.0
IoT & the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Solutions and industrial cases from EC-funded Projects
  •  17.30 - 17.45 Setting the scene (Sergio Gusmeroli, Politecnico di Milano & Engineering Ingegneria Informatica)
  •   17.45 - 17.55 The IoT Solutions Space: Real-Digital World Data Interoperability in the Product-Service Lifecycle: the PSYMBIOSYS IoT Platform (Uri Shani, IBM)
  •   17.55 - 18.05 The IoT Solutions Space: Edge-computing IoT architecture, the FAR EDGE Project (John Soldatos, AIT)
  •   18.05 - 18.15 The Industrial Space: implementing Whirlpool Industry 4.0 Strategy (Pierluigi Petrali, Whirlpool EMEA)
  •    18.15 - 18.25 The Industrial Space: the BEinCPPS Experiment in Smart Moulds (Juan Cadavid, CEA LIST)
  •    18.25 - 19:00 Discussion:
    •    Digital Manufacturing Platforms: is the EU value proposition competitive?
    •    Industry 4.0 in Europe: how to involve Manufacturing SMEs in the fourth Industrial Revolution? 

Mr Sergio Gusmeroli


John Soldatos


Mauro Isaja


Uri Shani


Oscar Lazaro


Juan Cadavid


Mon statut pour la session


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